Showing posts with label Photo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo. Show all posts

Post Halloween Pictures

So yeah I know Halloween was Wednesday but where I come from Halloween is a month long event and if it falls on a weekday it's celebrated the weekend before and/or the weekend after too! This year was Ivory's first real Halloween since she could actually walk and kind of talk. She was supposed to be a unicorn but she really wouldn't keep the hat on so basically she was a horse. One lady thought she was an angel. Don't make me laugh!

Best Halloween costume had to be the twin boys in rhino costumes and then second was Peyton Manning. I'm a Colts fan (or a Bronco's fan now?) so obviously I loved it. As you may know Brit and I were both 50's housewives. But according to Brit I just looked like me. Awesome.

Here's some lovely pictures:
Typical All American Family, let's all be on our phones!
The spoils.
First house trick or treating!

PUP-PEE PUP-PEE PUP-PEE. She went bananas.
And then she smacked the dog instead of petting it. Poor thing.
He was nice and didn't mind but Brit and the owner decided Ivory probably shouldn't do it more than once or twice.

I told Brit I was going to tell people I'm the Paparazzi if they ask what my costume is. LOL

I'm ready to go mom, let's get me some candy!
Her posture is terrible. C'MON BRIT!

She was supposed to pose, obviously a modeling career is out.
Brittany Carved an owl into her pumpkin.

Being the photographer means that you're never in any photo's. Which may or may not have been my goal. ;) Anyways here's some vintage inspired photo's of my make up for Halloween. 
My red lipstick is Kat Von D's Lipstain in Outlaw I love this stuff.
This is what it looks like after I ate candy, pizza and drank a bunch of Cola.
 I love anything chocolate and peanut butter.
Ivory got 4 full size candy bars in her trick-or-treat candy!
What's your favorite Halloween candy? Did you post Halloween pictures?
Leave me links in the comments. I want to see everything!

GPOY: Ivory At The Park

So last week I took Little Miss Princess Ivory to the park. We bought a beach ball on clearance at Target for like $2 with the intention of using it at her pool party for her birthday and it never got used. So one day when I came home I saw it blown up and I asked if we were going to the beach Brittany started laughing and goes, "no but it's her new favorite toy" and sure enough this ball is hours of fun. She knows the different between 'beach ball' and 'blue ball' and 'pink ball' - SHE KNOWS COLORS! Little booboo is growing up too fast! But she especially likes it when I bounce it off her head. Yeah, I have no clue. She thinks it is hilarious.

So I've been wanting to take her to the park because it's starting to cool down and I know she won't become a sweaty mess while playing. She also is scared of walking on the grass. So I figured, let's take the ball and a blanket and the camera and see what we get. I love these photo's.

You want me to walk on what?
You do what I say or you can get out!
I got this for you.
No seriously, take it.
Ok, this isn't so bad.
Alright, I've had enough let's go to the swing
She had a BLAST with the swing. She was getting so grumpy and wouldn't stay close to me and I would grab her hand when someone would come by or if she was going towards one of the thousands of giant ant hills that lined the walk way and she was getting so fussy so I said it was almost time to go. She threw a tantrum and I don't put up with those so I said we were leaving and she wasn't getting any ice cream (like she knew what it was LOL) and then I saw the swing and I was like "YES!" So I took the blanket, wiped it down with wipes and put her in. She wasn't too happy at being strapped in until I pushed her. Did she like it? Oh, I don't know, does her face give it away?

I'm not so sure about this...

That was so much fun Auntie, again.
Hi Auntie

She loved the park and the grass and the ball and let's not forget the PUP-PEEEEEEEEE that showed up. Oh my glob, she freaked out. She went running towards it and it went towards her and the dogs owner was like "NO HE'LL KNOCK HER OVER WITH KISSES" and she had her arms out. It was a near miss. I yanked her up at the same time the dog collided with me and almost knocked me down. She was wiggling trying to get at the dog screaming "pup-pee, pup-pee, PUP-PEEEEE" over and over. It was so cute. If the dog wasn't a hyper full sized pit bull I definitely would have let her play with him. I have nothing against pitbulls, one of my friends has like 4 of them and I love them to death but the owner himself didn't think it was a good idea and Ivory is so tiny compared to him. He would have licked her face and knocked her over and she loves them. I don't want her to get scared of dogs because at that age, she'll never come back from it. Maybe when she's more sturdy on her feet. 

Brit freaked out about the swing until I told her about the wipes and the blanket. She hates germs and the park was so ghetto. So many wanna-be thugs playing basketball and blaring their music with curse words around tiny children. I know it was swarmed because there was a Bikerfest going on at the park I wanted to take her to but this turned out perfect. I'll have to do another one of these soon.

What do you think of the Princess?

What I Am Wearing

Happy Saturday guys, while I'm off gallivanting at Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando I'll leave you to gawk at my fabulous dress that I thrifted some years ago and of course my silly face.

Dress: thrifted
Belt: Brittany's
Necklace: Handmade - $2.99 for chain, $5 for quartz crystal
Ring: My mothers
Tights: Gift (they are reversible and my favorite)
Shoes: Madden Girl $14 on clearance at Marshals.

Flashback Friday

Here's some lovely photos for you to mull over on your Friday and as for the flash back part, well none of these are new photos. These are all "pictures of my past" from California making them at the very least over a year old. So there.

The Huntington Gardens in Pasadena, CA

Fashion Studio at Woodbury University in Burbank, CA

The Wisteria at The Huntington Gardens in Pasadena, CA

The Ferris Wheel on the Santa Monica Pier. Santa Monica, CA

Corner of Hollywood & Highland. Hollywood, CA

Those photos are kind of embarrassing. The Ferris Wheel is one of the first photo's I ever took and then look at the others - how horrible the lighting, the editing, just... oh my. Sometimes it is good to look back at where you've been so you can see how far you've come.

But then again, sometimes it doesn't matter. A bad photo can look good if you have the right editing program! For example, I messed around with the RadLab from Totally Rad Actions to make the following edits to some of my old photos. Check it out, it's a great investment for pro or  novice photographers alike.

Gizmo - She totally posed for me, I didn't set this up at all.

Self-Portrait in Photobooth

Rabbit in my Grams yard
I named this pretty lil guy/gal Absolem. You know, after Alice in Wonderland? I've never been able to find out why kind of caterpillar it is or what it turns into (butterfly, moth, alien?) so if you know TELL ME!

Back roads in Santa Clarita, CA / Vasquez Rocks Canyon.
(If this looks familiar because you watch Sons of Anarchy, this is where they often film their bike ride scenes)

What would your Flashback Friday look like if it was done in pictures?