Post Halloween Pictures

So yeah I know Halloween was Wednesday but where I come from Halloween is a month long event and if it falls on a weekday it's celebrated the weekend before and/or the weekend after too! This year was Ivory's first real Halloween since she could actually walk and kind of talk. She was supposed to be a unicorn but she really wouldn't keep the hat on so basically she was a horse. One lady thought she was an angel. Don't make me laugh!

Best Halloween costume had to be the twin boys in rhino costumes and then second was Peyton Manning. I'm a Colts fan (or a Bronco's fan now?) so obviously I loved it. As you may know Brit and I were both 50's housewives. But according to Brit I just looked like me. Awesome.

Here's some lovely pictures:
Typical All American Family, let's all be on our phones!
The spoils.
First house trick or treating!

PUP-PEE PUP-PEE PUP-PEE. She went bananas.
And then she smacked the dog instead of petting it. Poor thing.
He was nice and didn't mind but Brit and the owner decided Ivory probably shouldn't do it more than once or twice.

I told Brit I was going to tell people I'm the Paparazzi if they ask what my costume is. LOL

I'm ready to go mom, let's get me some candy!
Her posture is terrible. C'MON BRIT!

She was supposed to pose, obviously a modeling career is out.
Brittany Carved an owl into her pumpkin.

Being the photographer means that you're never in any photo's. Which may or may not have been my goal. ;) Anyways here's some vintage inspired photo's of my make up for Halloween. 
My red lipstick is Kat Von D's Lipstain in Outlaw I love this stuff.
This is what it looks like after I ate candy, pizza and drank a bunch of Cola.
 I love anything chocolate and peanut butter.
Ivory got 4 full size candy bars in her trick-or-treat candy!
What's your favorite Halloween candy? Did you post Halloween pictures?
Leave me links in the comments. I want to see everything!


  1. Awww! what a fun post :) these photos are adorable :) i do hope that you had a really fun halloween... it looks like you did :)

    xox, amber

    1. I did, but I think the babe had more fun than we did.

  2. So sweet, and I love youe make-up!

  3. Such cute photos!!! She kind of looks like a fluffy angel cloud without the hat and not a horse! Hehe

    PS. I'd love it if you could visit my blog and follow me if you like it!! :)



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