10 Things I Will Never Do

So I stole this from Nessa @ A Life of Our Own, who stole it from Shelly, who has the link up on her website. *phew* That was a lot huh? Anyways, I saw this on Nessa's blog and thought it was a cute idea!
  1. Not freak out when I see a cockroach
  2. Not stand up for what I believe in
  3. Eat an insect. (I mean willingly.)
  4. Not want to visit Ireland or the UK
  5. Say "it's ok" if a man hits me. IT IS NEVER OK.
  6. Not laugh at a joke
  7. Try and be a blonde again. It's just not a good look for me. Streaks yes, whole head = NO.
  8. Have more money than I can spend. Trust me, if I won the lotto I would know how to spend each and every penny of it.
  9. Go skinny dipping in the Antarctic. (Just not my style, LOL)
  10. Like Spinach. (It's just so gross.)

What are 10 things you'd never ever do?
Or do you never say never?


  1. I think I can honestly say I will also never go skinny dipping in the Antarctic haha.
    Thanks for mentioning me :p

    1. Lol I don't think anyone would. Well, I hope they wouldn't!


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