Wednesday Want List: Steve Madden

Hi guys, finally two posts this week. w00t! Getting back into the swing of things and let me tell you it isn't easy.
Wednesday Want List: Steve Madden
Everything this week comes from Steve Madden. I seem to have an obsession with him as of late. I mean I've always loved his stuff but last paycheck I purchased 3 items that were splurge items and they were all Steve Madden!

  1. I am desperately looking for a pair of studded boots and these by Steve Madden fit the bill. If only I could find a pair to try on - I'd even pay the $200 price tag for these puppies.
  2. I didn't need these but I totally bought these puppies. I have a shoe obsession and I can't even care. I don't however, have a lot of flats and they have two things I love right now. Studs and they come in teal. So cute right? Says here they are $76 but they were only $40 at TJ Maxx.
  3. I REALLY needed a new handbag. I have worn out or have re-used old bags so much that I stopped carrying a purse for a month and just used an old clutch wallet. So I purchased the very lovely one! I didn't have the choice of black (both a blessing and a curse) but I did have beige and red to pink from. If you follow me on instagram, I actually put it to a vote and ended up getting the red one. I think it was a good choice and I love it. Price online is $91 but I paid $40 for mine at TJ Maxx.
  4. It wouldn't be a come back if my first WWL didn't include skulls. Not overly fond of these as they resemble Toms too much for my liking and while Toms is a good cause with that whole sending a pair of shoes to someone who needs them n an underdeveloped country I'd rather just pay $50 and both pair go to people who need them you know? But they are skulls, Steve Madden and they only cost $40 so maybe?
  5. I'm in no hurry to replace my current lovely handbag but if I had to this studded satchel would surely do the trick. In fact, it just may be my next purchase ;) $80
  6. Lastly, at work we are allowed to wear sandals on Fridays so long as they are kind of dressy. Enter these lovely babies. Mine are black (I like black so that's good) but I wouldn't have minded them in this tan color either. They would go with some of my other outfits a little bit more but I'll take what I can get. These are priced at $36 but I paid $30 for them at TJ Maxx. 

If I were you and you guys liked the three items I purchased, I'd go straight to TJ Maxx and scoop them up before they are gone. I actually considered going back and buying the Beige version of my bag too but it was gone. Looks like I wasn't the only fan that week!

That's it for this week's Wednesday Want List. I should get my camera tomorrow night or Friday so there is a large possibility of a photo post this weekend. I also might start doing some "What I Wore" or "Get the Look" posts to do every other week on Wednesday's too. Unless you'd like me to do a Photo Friday kind of deal and do an outfit post then? Post your thoughts in the comments, I'd love to hear them.

How do you feel about Steve Madden?
Do you have a favorite designer and if so, who is it?

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