My Little Hiatus

Hey guys, so I've kind of been MIA for two weeks now. I started a new job so I'm literally gone from 7AM until 7PM and when I get home I eat, relax/shower and then go to sleep.

It's not exactly what I would consider conducive to blogging. It takes a lot of time and dedication to consistently churn out blogs as you might know. I am going to get back into it now that there's a pay check. I'm going to devote my Saturdays to scheduling content and making sure it gets out on time.

I was also slacking because I wasn't making any money so it was hard for me to buy products to test for Make Up Monday. Then it became a lovely vacation by not doing WWL. But that's going to stop. I get paid April 10th and so that is when I will be off my hiatus.


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