Wednesday Want List: WWL Favorites

Hi guys, I thought this week I'd share with you some of my favorite things from WWL's past. I mean obviously I love everything I put on these. But sometimes things just stay with you, you know and you're like "I gotta have them."
Wednesday Want List: Favorites
I have actually gone out and purchased things from these. I would do fashion posts of what I am wearing but I still don't have a camera to do that with so I'm going to hold off on those for a while.
  1. I love this dress. It's from my skull edition. You know how I am about skulls. What I loved most was that people who said they weren't big on skulls would actually consider wearing this dress. It comes in black and white or black and red. Unfortunately when I tried to buy this lovely wonder it was sold out. The company didn't know if they would get them in again. Boo.
  2. I had this as part of my holiday party edition. As one of those "ugly sweaters" you could wear. It was way too expensive but I still want it.
  3. This cute little fox necklace was part of my birthday wishlist, which was a special Wednesday Want List where if money was no object what would be the first things I bought for myself for my birthday. He's so cute. I'll have to do a fox WWL since I did an owl one.
  4. These shoes were from last week's Punk themed WWL. I didn't know they had skulls on them until the last minute and when I looked for them they were sold out and NO ONE has them because they are discontinued. I can get some similar that are open-toe but I want those one specifically. So upset.
  5. This sparkly skirt is from my affiliates Lulu' and was one of the item's I used in my special announcement WWL for becoming Affies with them. I love the skirt because it could be used for any type of occasion. It's dressy but not too dressy and it's glittery so it would have been useful at NYE but also for a night on the town.
  6. This Marc Jacobs bag will forever be on my Want list! It was on my birthday wishlist but also on my Hand bags edition too.

What are your favorite's from WWL?

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