Wednesday Want List: Shoes

Wednesday Want List: Shoes

I apologize for this post being rather late, especially for my East Coasters. To make up for it I have a little bit of shoe porn for you. As I mentioned in my vlog on Monday, I received a gift code for $25 off your first pair of shoes from Influenster and I am able to share that with all of you:


I will warn you though that the reviews I have read on influenster are not good. I was not happy with the fact that I have to sign up and give my information out in order to LOOK at the shoes. I almost didn't do it but for the sake of the study and for your sake I did it. I signed up for an account and went to look at their shoes hoping that beyond those cyber gateways giving my information would be worth it. Well, not really. I found two pairs out of their entire catalog that I would wear and I'm really "iffy" on one of them. Overall I thought their selection was too over priced and that most of them weren't very fashionable. I've had better attraction to shoes at Payless. But I was able to find some of them. For example:
  1. Polka Dot Pumps from Sole Society. This is the pair that I am not really too keen on. I like it more than the others that were out there but it just seems very cheap looking to me. For $49.95, even with the $25 off I'm most likely going to pass.
  2. I love these Oxfords though. They are called the Harper Oxford Flat and this design is in "Party." Priced at $49.95 if I get a job or win the lotto before the January 31st deadline to use that promo code is over I'll probably be picking these up. So cute.
  3. I love, love, love studded boots. I want some, really bad. Ever since I saw them on Miss Anna Kendrick in Pitch Perfect (love that movie btw) I was like "yes, a trend I can vehemently get behind!" I saw a pair at JCP that fold down, now those are the bee's knees. I can't find them online anywhere though :/ Damn. Only bummer for these specific boots is they are out of my size 7 and are $69.99. 
  4. Now these wedges, which I prefer to go out in most days, are ridiculously cute but they are from a shop in the UK. That means shipping will be ridiculous but for only £27.99 (that's 44.87 USD) all my UK viewers can get some pretty studded wedges. Go get'em!
  5. I'm going to share a secret with you guys - I wore converse before they were cool! Yup, they actually used to sell converse at the flea market my mom frequented when I was little and they were so cheap back then that was all my mom could afford. So I wore them all the time and then in high school right after those Addidas sneakers with the color stripes on the side were popular (I had white with purple because I bought them myself) my "chucks" became popular too. I was ecstatic  Finally I fit in without having to spend money to fit in! haha so silly, but that's my story. I love that they are still $45 though. These leopard ones are super cute.
  6. Probably the cutest and most affordable pair of shoes ever are these floral oxford-like flats. At only $20 these are a steal. They come in black and red floral too but these are the "teal" version and I love them.
And that's it for my Wednesday Want List. I plan on doing another giveaway soon for Valentine's Day that involves my soap business. I'm going to be pulling back on blogging here a bit to focus on that more.

Which pair was your favorite this week?

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