Mama Osbourne VS Mother Monster

Ok so you guys know about this whole deal between Kelly Osbourne and Gaga fans right?

No? Ok, here's a recap:
  • Little Monsters are attacking Kelly Osbourne (as they have other celebrities and/or their fans) for the past year calling her all sorts of names, saying she should kill herself, ect.
  • Kelly says that she doesn't understand why Gaga hasn't said anything to her fans about the bullying because if Gaga told her Little Monsters to stop they would.
  • Sharon writes to Gaga's manager asking for him to take care of it, privately. Twice.
  • Gaga's manager says "I'm on it Sent from my iPhone"
  • Gaga then writes an open letter to Kelly saying 'I can't control my fans and I won't tell them to stop bullying you because while I think you're a lovely gal, I think you should get bullied because your job is to judge people's choice of clothing on television. So no.'
  • Sharon gets 1500 shades of livid and writes a response to Gaga, saying 'that was me who wrote your manager in private not my daughter, how dare you take this matter public. You call yourself a promoter of kindness but you're really just an attention seeking freak of nature'
  • Sharon also proceeds to call Lady Gaga out on basically everything, tells her to stop wearing fur and signs it with 'come at me bro.'
 Ok so I embellished a little bit for entertainment sake, here are the real letters for your reading pleasure:

This is ridiculous. Honestly, is this what we are about as a society? No wonder other countries hate America - the most famous of us have the same maturity level as a middle-schooler at best. I won't even go there with the Charlie Sheen's and Lindsay Lohan's of the spectrum.  How awful do we have to be as humans before we finally learn to react to an awful situation with an ounce of decorum?

I used to really enjoy Lady Gaga. She was eccentric and different from other celebrities and her first album was amazingly good. I'm still trying to find out if the reason things didn't work out with my last male friend was because I asked if he wanted to play a love game and then when he was confused asked him about his "disco stick." Yeah, I said it. Telephone is still my ladyjam ok, don't judge me.
But she's gone over the mark with her "I'm going to be an individual" campaign. Then, as if wearing raw meat as a dress (hello, vegetarian here) and popping out of an egg and wearing prosthetic embellishments to make herself look like a dinosaur didn't make me go "Ok Lady G, too far" she did, in my opinion, an unspeakable act. 

She exploited a group of people, ones she claims to respect and support, for a publicity stunt. I'm talking about her fake alter-ego Joe Calderone.

Don't even get me f$#@ing started with how awful it is to pretend to be transgendered. There are people who truly suffer from Dissociative Gender Disorder, and truly believe they were born into the wrong body and then there's Lady Gaga who thinks dressing up and pretending to be a dude is cool thing to do for attention at an awards show. NOT COOL GAGA. NOT ONE BIT. 
Oh and an FYI, Cher did it before you so you're not original at all. I told you not to get me started. So at this point I'm obviously not a fan of Lady G anymore. Every song from her latest album makes me skin crawl and it sounds too much like Madonna to even begin to take it seriously.

So anyways, back to the real issue. Kelly mentions something, somewhere, I don't know if it was in an interview or on Twitter (most likely because that's where Lady Gaga's Little Monsters like to badger and berate everyone) but she just asked that Lady Gaga tell her monsters to back off. Nothing happens. So Mama Osbourne privately goes and asks Gaga's manager if something can be done. In her e-mail she wasn't rude except maybe to remind him that this is now the second time in a year she's asked if something could be said to put a stop to the bullying (Gaga is anti-bullying). That's not even that rude. If you ask someone to do something and they say they will but never do, wouldn't you have a slight bit of a frustrated tone? Who likes to ask someone to do something twice?

The response is the childish part. How hard is it to write 140 chars (not even) that say "To my lovely, loyal fans; if you are bullying or harassing anyone please stop. Celebrities are people too."? It's not. Gaga wouldn't even have to write it. Someone else could write it and as long as it shows up on Gaga's website or twitter her fans would still listen. Gaga does have loyal fans and they do worship her and follow everything she says. I have several friends, on twitter and facebook that are hardcore Gaga fans and while I've never seen them personally attack anyone, I have seen tweets that were like 'guys, stop attacking beiber/rihanna/madonna/katy perry/other people. Too far guys' and some of them have even been like "I'm going to unfollow the next Monster who says something rude to...." So don't judge these guys by a select group. Don't automatically go "Oh you're a Little Monster/Gaga fan you must be rude" because that's not fair to them.

So instead of doing that, e-mailing back "I can't control my fans and what they do but I have said something. I wish you guys well" and calling it a day she writes a slam piece against Kelly, going on and on about how she thinks Kelly's lovely but she can't stand behind her and won't ask her rabid bullying fan base to back off because she thinks Kelly deserves it because she critics people's fashion. EXCUSE ME? People deserve to get bullied Gaga? Are you kidding me? Are you also saying American Soliders deserve to be shot because they might have to shoot someone when they are at work? Or that a doctor who loses a patient deserves to die on an operating table the next time they have to get a bit of work done?

This isn't Babylonian times; eye for an eye does not apply. When someone is rude to you the answer is not to get rude back, but to politely tell them you don't appreciate their tone. When someone bullies you the answer is not to bully them back. That is a hideous and vicious cycle and it is that exact reason that bullying still continues. There is no reason whatsoever to condone bullying and for Gaga, who is supposedly so anti-bullying, that letter is appauling.

While I full support Sharon responding to Lady Gaga and telling her up front that it was her and not Kelly that asked for Gaga to say something and while I think it was brilliant of Sharon to call Gaga on her shit, doing it in the language and manner that she did is again a breeding ground for all of this to continue.

Why is it always our reaction to call names and throw stones at each other? Someone hurts you so you hurt them back. When does it end? You know we have those trashy tabloid magazines for this exact reason, because people love the drama.  Sharon called Lady Gaga an attention seeker and while this is a spot of old news (hello meat dress/egg arrival/ anything she's ever done) Sharon is doing the same thing. I guess, at least it is for a good cause? I'm not excusing either one of them for their actions. Both of them have in various ways, good valid points for their causes but both have acted childish.

Yes, criticizing people for their fashion choices is in a way a form of bullying if done the wrong way. But do you honestly think a woman who was bullied for her weight is going to turn around and bully someone else for the same thing? I've only caught a few episodes but I've never heard Kelly say anything about anyone's outfits that should be considered bullying.

In the same respect, are we supposed to keep our mouths shut when we think someone is making a poor fashion choice? I don't think so. If my friend looks ridiculous I'm going to tell them. If my friend picks a dress that makes her look fat I tell her that it's not flattering and in the end my friends enjoy my frankness and like that I'm not going to let them look horrible in public - it's called trust. My friends trust my judgement because they know I won't steer them wrong. Even though you, my lovely readers, don't have that option with me, do know that I won't steer you wrong with the things that I post here. I'm not going to present you with awful, hideous things and tell you they are lovely because I feel like telling you something is awful is a form of bullying. Ain't gonna happen girl fran.

What's lovely about this is that Kelly, who truly is the victim here, has actually acted with the most dignity of any celebrity caught in the cross fires of drama I've seen. I love when a celeb artfully dodges media fireballs and handles stressful situations with grace and composure. Because if it were me, I'd probably be more Jerry Springer than Grace Kelly  Truly, Kelly is a stand up role model. Now watch her go and post something or say something to completely debunk my praise of her. LOL.

Thank you for reading me bitch about a bunch of grown people acting like high schoolers. I know none of you lovelies would ever stoop to such low levels but I know a bunch of you have children and I hope that you teach them values like the response to being bullied is not to bully someone back but to stand up for yourself. Teach your kids to have self respect and dignity and others will respect them for that and think better of them. Promise.

What do you think of the letters?

1 comment :

  1. I honestly don't keep up with very much celebrity news, and so have missed this entire altercation, but I will say that I love your take on things. Too bad more people don't hvae that kind of perspective.

    {{ stopping by from SITS }}


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