My Apologies...

Hello guys, sorry that I have been so MIA lately. I have been trying really hard for a job and in the midst of taking care of my Grandma, my soap business and job hunting I have not had the time to devote to blogging as I should. To top it all off I went to a game show this weekend and completely lost my voice, my throat is so dry and sore that breathing is difficult, food is near impossible and I've had such bad migraines and been getting ill that I can't really do much. 

I'm also working against a time difference. Before I could get up and do a post and it would be ready for my East Coast viewers as they got up and everyone else in the U.S would be just waking or still asleep, ect by the time it was posted. Now I have to do it the night before until I want to get up at 6am to blog so it's ready for the East Coasters as they are waking up and heading to work. Yeah, not that much of a morning person LOL.

I fully intended on doing a vlog for today but being as sick as I am that would look awful and I haven't prepared much else. Boo, I know. :( I think my full list of excuses is run out now.

I did however get to facetime with Ivory just a few minutes ago and had a good healthy cry after because I miss that little girl so much. My mom says I need to apply for nanny jobs out here but I just don't think I can do it. I fall so easily for little kids that I don't think I could be as professional as I should be. I'm a blubbery mess whenever I think of Ivory and I still look at things and go "Oh my gosh, Ivory would look cute in that" or "Ivory would die!" Brittany said that she's had to buy batteries for the Puppy I got Ivory for Christmas five times. Insert Cheshire Cat like grin here. :D

That's the exact puppy I got Ivory for x-mas.
The box said 3+ but there isn't any small parts and I Ok'd it with Brit first.
I hope that tomorrow I feel better and I will do a Make Up Monday post then, even though it is Tuesday. I am also aware that my WWL did not post last week. It was for some reason still in draft mode and I forgot to check and make sure it published so I have that scheduled for this Wednesday and I'll be working on the following week so even though I'm a week behind, I consider myself a week ahead ;)

Also, next Monday I am scheduled to be the featured blogger for The SITS Girls network so my Make Up Monday post is going to be extra special and ON TIME. LOL.

Sorry, I've been such a lame-o with the blogging but I'm working on getting back into things. Bleh.

Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend and if it's business as usual for you because your work doesn't observe MLK, well just be thankful you have a job!

1 comment :

  1. I really enjoyed having something to read first thing in the morning :] Hope you feel better soon


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