It's That Time of Year

So it's that time of year... you know when you begin to think about what you are thankful for. Then you immediately turn in a list of the things you don't have but want because you aren't satisfied with what you have.

So this year like so many years before I have purchased a few of my presents early. I've worked in retail before and I always had my stuff done by the end of September because I refuse to go into retail stores in Nov/Dec and October is for me. :D

Brittany is really easy to buy for, we like mostly the same things. Ivory on the other hand is a bit tricky. A lot of toys that are cute aren't made for small children. Everything is basically 3+ which is really annoying. I thought I'd have to think really hard about what to get her. But then an idea came to me, out of nowhere! Ivory really likes Adventure Time and when I saw Bethany make The Lich King from clay I had to comment and ask if she could make any of the other characters. Ivory already has a Jake stuffed animal so this would be perfect.

Let me show you a preview of Ivory's present that Bethany hand made.

I requested "safe eyes" because of the whole small parts dilemma. I was so relieved when she told me she could embroider the eyes. I think this is coming along fabulously!

Ta da! Lady Rainicorn.
It's it just the cutest thing ever?  We actually were going to dress Ivory up as Lady for Halloween but that didn't work out so she was just a regular unicorn instead. Still, this is going to be the best present she gets because she should be able to hang onto it and keep it for awhile. I'm excited. I asked Bethany for the photos and if I could put it up on display. So if you guys like Adventure time or anything head over to Bethany's blog and see if she can make you something! She has two shops; a handmade Etsy shop as well as Vintage clothing  Etsy shop. You'll definitely find something there and love it, I know you will.

Vote in the comments: Handmade vs Store Bought?


  1. Thanks for posting my links. :) I definitely have some more time to make a few custom items before christmas. Oh, btw, I'm going to email you the tracking number for that in a minute.
    Thanks again :)

    1. You're welcome! I got the tracking number, thank you.

  2. this is so cute!

    1. I'm so excited for it. You should check out her shops if you're stuck on what to get someone for x-mas!


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