Currently: Being Awesome

Loving;  I don't have much, just three blogs I'm loving. Click to be surprised and find out if it's you! 1 / 2 / 3

Reading;  I'm actually reading a book you guys. Legit reading. It's one I started on the plane back in August. I didn't really like it but then I decided to give it another try. I've only gotten like 3 pages farther in but I am determined to finish it. I should probably tell you about the book though right? It's called An Abundance of Katherine's by John Green. So far though, all I've got about this book is that this idiot (the book calls him a prodigy) will only date girls named Kathrine. He gets his heart broken again and goes on a road trip with his best friend and ends up in nowhere TN and then yeah that's as far as I've gotten. It doesn't look too promising but I gotta trudge through it. My goal is to finish it by the end of the year. LOL.

Watching; The news, because I'm at work. I'm actually trying to block it out.

Anticipating;  This weekend. I'm going to try and hit the movies to see Breaking Dawn. I'm wondering how many people realize that they changed the ending of the book for the movie? Brittany didn't quite realize it at first. I am glad for once. Breaking Dawn is probably the worst way to end a series - OF ALL TIME YA'LL. I mean the Twilight books, by perspective, are probably the stupidest books of all time but they resonate with some people. I identified with Bella in the third book and probably that whole messy emotional break down bit resonates with a lot of people but I was more into the love triangle I-know-I'm-hurting-you-and-selfish-but-I-can't-stop-being-an-asshole thing. You know, real stuffs. But I'm going, even if I have to go it a lone. It would be ironic. I went and saw the first movie by myself so maybe I should go to the last one solo as well?

Listening to; I have a playlist that I'm listening to. Yeeeaaaah so I CREEP, just keep it on the downlown because nobodies supposed to know. CREEP.

Planning; Moving. Oi. This weekend my only break from packing up my books and clothes I don't wear is going to be going to the movies.

Working on; Trying to get some more bloggin' ideas. Not even going to lie to you guys, this whole NaBloPoMo is only half way done and I'm ready to call it quits. It's too much for me right now with everything going on to be doing so much promotion as well as posting. I'm also working on giving myself a pep-talk so I don't call it quits. Not going to well. Thoughts?

Wishing; I was in California already. Wishing I had lots of money to spend on Christmas because my cousins are coming out. Wishing I had a job and an apartment in California and that I wasn't such a brat and moved to Florida like an idiot because I would have had all of that by now. Time to go make it a reality and get some money made.

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