Currently: Apologetic

Loving/Hating; I am loving that I'm in California in 70 degree weather while the rest of the country freezes to death. Loving that it is nearing the Super Bowl and the two teams I follow are in the playoffs. I hate that my Colts lost to the New England Patriots and am hoping the Bronco's and Peyton stomp the Chargers and then go on to the Super Bowl.

But what I really hate is that I haven't blogged since July. So much has happened. Let's see... first my mom had a heart attack then I got sick and almost died in September and most recently my grams had a heart attack, had to have a triple bypass surgery and is currently recovering from her Christmas and New Years in the hospital. I've just been a mess really. I hate that I haven't been inspired to blog and I'm still unemployed so no money to purchase new make up or hold giveaways or anything. It's rather disheartening.

Reading;  I've been re-reading the Mortal Instruments series and of course my own work of fiction that I've set a goal of having the first draft edited by the end of Jan.

Watching; My usual series. I'm very excited for The Fosters, The Originals, Reign and a few other CW shows to start back up. OH AND OF COURSE - GIRLS.

Anticipating;  Not much these days. I just want to be finished with school so I can get a job and move past whatever it is that is holding me back.

Listening to; My favorite stuff right now is by a band called The Darling Buds. Teasers: X | X

Planning; Trips to Europe to take my mind off what it is I think I am missing from my life. It's hard to plan a trip with no money. :(

Working on; Editing my book and reviving my blog.

Wishing; I wish that I could find a way to make more time for myself to blog and also to get a part time job. I also want to be in England. I could kickstarter that right? Sponsor me?

What are you up to?

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