Currently: Missing You!

Hi blog, I've missed you. The reason I've been gone... Well, see "Reading" and you'll know why. Anyways, I missed you bloggy. I set up scheduled posts and have been away from this for like two days since I first set it up this way and that's way too long. Mama has separation anxiety and so that's what has inspired this late Saturday evening post. I'm deciding to do another "Currently" Post because well, I want to inform you of my spinster ways!

Loving;  The dress I am wearing in the picture above. It's really low cut but it fits me well and it's one of those twirly dresses. As in you can twirly and the skirt spins with you and if you switch directions and do the washing machine (that famous dance from Selena?) then it's really fun. This is one of those twist-and-shout dresses and I love it.

Reading;  I have been wrapped up in *gulp* 50 Shades of Grey. Yeah, I'm hanging my head as I type this. My friends were like "it's kinky shit" and then another couple of friends were like "it's Twilight Fan fiction" and laughing I had to find out. Well, yes I can see all the Twilight influences and yes it is very much written in that fan fiction style. I can't knock it, I got my start in writing fan fiction. It was the first prose I ever wrote. I wrote songs and poetry early on in high school and then something lead me to fan fiction about my favorite band and I was hooked. I discovered through school that I was really good at writing and VROOM I ran a million miles with the promise that I'd only go an inch.

Watching; I bought 50/50 on DVD because I LOVE Joseph Gordon-Levitt (I'll refer to him mainly as JGL for future reference) and it was funny and touching. It's a highly under-rated romcom and I love it.

Anticipating; Not much. Ivory's birthday is the 23rd and mine is the 20th so on the 18th I'm going to Ivory's party, then a friends baby shower and birthday party and then mine is at night. I am perfectly aware of how fucking exhausted I am going to be, which is why I am glad I have Sunday off to recover!

Listening to; Still listening to Yellowcard. I ended up NOT going to Warped Tour :/ and so I ended up not seeing them HOWEVER I will be seeing them in November. I promise myself that because I cannot not (I'm aware of the double negative) see them after the new album is out. Seriously, in love with this band anymore.

Planning; I'm planning Ivory's party, my party and maybe some things for this site?

Working on; what I'm going to post for Make Up Monday and Wednesday Want List this week. Huzzah bloggy!

Wishing; I'm always wishing for money. Specifically for a new tattoo for my birthday and a camera so that I can take better pictures for my site. :)
What are you currently up to?

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