Wednesday Want List: Fall Fashion

Wednesday Want List: Fall Fashion

1. Cable Knit Sweater by Ralph Lauren | 2. Cable Knit Dress by Carven | 3. Knit Hat by Wet Seal
4. Tan Slouch Mid Calf Boot by Soda | 5. Chocolate Brown Satchel by Kangol | 6. Patterned Scarf by M Missoni

I love Autumn. It's my favorite season. Probably because I love the colors and I love sweaters. I love cardigans and cable knit and jackets and coats but that's getting way too into Winter and this is about Autumn. This is about browns and oranges and forest greens, dark purples, grays, navy and rusty reds and mustard yellows. Yes, this is about fall!

  1. So obviously I had to include a cable knit sweater. This one by Ralph Lauren is $265 but looks like one I have that is a knock off I got from Ross. 
  2. There's a nice tan sweater dress. I love sweater dresses with leggings underneath and then boots. So cute. This one by Carven is $825, yikes! But I bought a cute red sweater dress for $20 at Sidecca a store inside the mall in Santa Clarita Ca and this is never going to go out of style. Marshalls and TJ Maxx will have some soon as well that you can get for much less but still as comfy.
  3. The beanie has a little bow on it! So cute. On days where I don't want to do anything fancy to my hair I throw on a knit beanie and done. $11 at Wet Seal.
  4. Autumn would be nothing if you didn't have a cute pair of brown boots to accommodate those cooler temperatures. In Florida its too hot to wear these during the summer months so the second it gets cool, my boots come out. Try the nice Mid Calf boots by Soda. They look snazzy and are only $25.
  5. Now I wouldn't be me if I didn't sneak a purse in there. Sure, you can buy brown purses and use them at any time but this is a satchel. Totally different, or at least that is how I am justifying it to myself and it's only $50.
  6. Again, I understand that scarves are now considered year round and with this one from M Missoni being $200 I'd wear it all year around too! But there are plenty of places to get scarves like this for a lot less. I just loved the pattern and colors.

That's it for this weeks Wednesday Want List and I hope you enjoyed it.

What's on your Want List?

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