I wish autumn still looked like this:
But it doesn't. We did get some nice 70 degree weather sans humidity, which I am eternally grateful for. Yesterday was beautiful and I was significantly put out by having to work on such a gorgeous day rather than go read in the park or something.
To be fair we do have some leaves on the ground but nothing as pretty as those pictures. I miss living in New England where a majority of the "autumn" pictures from Google Images were most likely found. In case you were wondering that's where I found the pictures for the prompt. That dog looks like he is having the most fun and that's typically what my dogs look like full run. I loved it too much to not use it. :)
Not to be out done because I love cats as much I used a kitty in my picture. Someone had to play in the leaves right? Bike rides, running through the leaves, playing with them and enjoying the day are just typical ways I would enjoy autumn if I actually got to experience it again. Perhaps a trip to New England is on the horizon?
What does autumn look like to you?
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