Voting Day: If I Ruled the World

My fellow Americans, today is the day. That's right it is voting day. Which for many of us, myself included that means that our torture is almost over. Soon all of those pesky commercials, press conferences and internet memes will be nothing but another piece of American history. There will also be less high blood pressure spikes and our livers can breathe easy for a few moments knowing that after today you may or may not have to consume copious amounts of alcohol in order to cope with having Obama as our President. Or if things go against my wishes, my liver needs to quiver in fear because I will be drinking non-stop because I'd rather poison myself repeatedly than live in a country were a man dictates what I can do with my own body.

Just go vote. Don't let someone else decide your future for you.

Told you she was running.

If I ran the world, there would be no such thing as a choice.
If you want to keep the baby you keep it, if you don't it magically disappears.
Abortion, what is that?

Seriously, did we get teleported back to 1775 and bring technology with us somehow?

Singed, sealed, delivered - I count.
My voice is heard, I will not be silent,
I have a say in what goes on in the government that dictates my future!
But seriously, if I ran the world you guys it would be great. There would be zero money problems because we'd work on the barter system. If you have no skills, no talent and have nothing to offer then as Darwin theorized Natural Selection will sort you out.
Birth Control? Why, you need a license to drive so you need a license to be a parent.
In addition to your regular curriculum of Mathematics, Science, Social Science, History, an art of some form (painting, choir, band, woodshop, ect), a martial art of some kind (basic self defense, Ju Jitsu, Karate, ect), a basic medical course you will be required to know English (which will be our universal language) and one additional language. As in everyone will be, at the very least Bilingual.
All education will be free of course, there should be plenty of teachers because if you can't provide any substantial skills you can at the very least teach.
I have a huge list of things we could do to turn the world around but alas this will never happen so why give out my plans of world domination so soon? You all will fall under my reign soon enough.

You guys know I'm just kidding with this right? I don't want to be responsible for me let alone a country or the world. But it would be kind of sweet. Her Supreme Majesty, Queen Sara! All Hail ME! LOL.

So did you vote?


  1. OMG, no way roseanne! I love her! She's awesome!
    Im so glad how it all turned out, being im in canada, this was the first election I actually cared about.

    1. I like Canada's voting system. I think the U.S needs to restructure the way we do certain things. I know a lot of people who voted for others just because they didn't want to throw support to Obama or Romney.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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