The Number One Reason Why Politics Matter

I could go on and on about how if you live in America you should vote and I actually was going to but then I changed my mind. It was going to be one of those unbiased rants (AHAHAHAHA) where I give you facts from government websites and studies about things that are important and that you should vote simply because you are allowed to.

Then I realized that's not what my blog is about and that's not what I'm about. I, like the rest of the country, only care about politics when it's an election year. I forget about the butt nuggets who run for office seconds after the winners are announced and don't give a hoot about it for the next two years and I really only pay attention during election years. *ahem*

But I have to tell you the number one reason why politics matter. It's important to me and I'm sharing it with you because this is my blog and I can but also because I want you to know that this is serious business. You know, voting for the lesser of all the evils on the ballot.

My fellow Americans, I present to you the number one reason why politics matter:

Oh yeah, I made this one after a worker made a comment that sent me into a fit of cackles.
Not giggles you guys, CACKLES. Like a witch.

Watch Video @ Huffington Post
Oh Bill, I love you.

Credit: Mashable

The Presidential Candidates wearing their spouses hair during the second Presidential debate
Credit: MSN
Credit: Art Paraodies

Credit: Head of Rothchild on FB
If Romney wins I am moving to Europe. Or Canada, because then I'll get free health care.
If you don't laugh at this one you have no soul.
When  he said he was a "son of Detroit" I wanted to ask him if he watched the movie Troy before the debate & got confused.
I think Katy Perry is voting Obama....
Katy, why are you wearing latex though?
This should have been printed on a t-shirt dress right?

And because I love you and I'm trying to be impartial... Obama style

This one wasn't done by College Humor so it's obviously not as good but I still giggled.

OH YEAH - Roseanne Barr is running too... and in case you missed the end of this for the sake of your ears or you thought your eyes were on drugs she did in fact grab her crotch, spit on the mound and then saunter off simming her chest as to say "look at all the f!ck$ I give." But she's pretty legit and she actually knows her stuff. For example, this interview with CNN.

Honestly, I just want to vote for someone who can't be turned into a internet meme (or a latex dress). Lighten up. Everyone is so heavy on the srs bdns side of things. LAUGH. It will make you live longer. Yes, politics is serious but if you can't laugh at yourself or at other people you're going to have a hernia. Just relax and that's why this was important for me to share these ridiculous images. But I do hope all of this jumps to mind when you read these names on the ballot and you vote for the best possible candidate out of all these yahoos.

On a genuinely serious note: The number one reason why politics matter is because you need to have a say in making the laws that run your life. It's yours, do not let other people make your decisions for you. Please vote, please, please. Do not be silent.

Do not let your future rest in the hands of someone else. This shouldn't even be an issue in [y]our country, in our lifetime. Please.


  1. Ha. Seriously, thank GOD. Or whomever. We need to laugh and vote. You're right that they are not mutually exclusive.

    I'm here from SITS where I came across your SEO post a little while back. I have it bookmarked and I plan to come back to it but HOLY HELL that shit is confusing. I appreciated your opening line about wanting to scream. When I finally get to reading it without crying, I'll let you know. :)

    1. That's why I had to break it down into three 5 part steps. If you have any problems, PLEASE e-mail me. Once you get into it you'll realize that the only part about it that is actually hard is coming up with the keywords for your website. It's hard to encompass everything that your website holds into a few words. That's why I gave examples.

      Just let me know when you get stuck, I'll help you out.


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