November is National Blog Posting Month?

So November is apparently National Blog Posting Month or NaBloPoMo? That just looks like a bunch of elements from the periodic table strung together to me. I see you Salt, Boron, Polonium and Molybdenum!  Science nerds say whaaaaa?

Anyways this looks kind of interesting? Even though it is apparently done every month. FINALLY! Something that legitimately happens every month instead of only feeling like it happens every month like BLAH-BLAH-BLAH Awareness Month. But really, do you really want to hear (I mean read, duh) my incessant nonsense every single day this month? Ok then, your funeral.

They gave out some prompts... be prepared because I'm obviously going to need them. Although some of these are kind of awful and by awful I mean over done.

NaBloPoMo November 2012 Prompts:
Tell us your favorite quotation and why.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
What are your thoughts about tomorrow's election in the United States?
If you were President of the United States, what would be your first act in office?
Talk about the last compliment you received.
If you could have any job (and instantly have the training and qualifications to do it), which job would you want?
If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be?
Where is your favourite place to blog?
What is the bravest thing you've ever done?
Tell us about the best meal you ever cooked.
Tell us about your favourite pet.
Would you buy your dream house if the price was right BUT you also were told it was inhabited by ghosts?
If you had to get locked in some place (book store, amusement park, etc) overnight alone, where would you choose to be locked in?
Talk about the opening of your favourite book.
Where is your favourite place to read?
When was the last time that you cried?  Why?
What is the hardest word for you to say?
Do you speak more than one language?  How did you learn the additional languages?
If you could instantly know any language in the world, which one would it be?
Tell us about the worst trip you ever took.
Tell us about three new blogs you found this year.
What has been the hardest part about blogging daily?

Seriously, these prompts could be a little more...meaty. Like give me a recipe and then have me make it. Write about what happened, take pictures, type up family/friend review.
Any various science project would make a cool blog entry. Or research your family history and find one interesting fact about your heritage then write about it. Build an exploding volcano and take pictures, do a random DIY and write about your experience, come up with your own DIY, review a book, purposefully write a funny blog entry, write a short story about your shoes, Knock an item off your bucket list, Interview a stranger, interview a family member as though they are the President of the United States, ect. Obviously I'm not that much better at coming up with prompts so I guess I should apologize but I'm not gonna. I'm going to replace a few of these prompts with my own and you can be surprised! I'm trying to plan it out right now. You know for when I don't have these things scheduled. LOL. 

Told you!

If you'd like to participate go on over and sign up here before 11 pm EST on Nov 5th, at which time it will close to new entries. Apparently there are prizes to be given out? I'm just in it to complete something I start because I have a nasty habit of starting something and never finishing it. *cough* roller derby, making soap, not biting my nails *cough* You know, important stuffs.


  1. Love your periodic table for NaBloPoMo. Good luck!

    1. When I first saw it that's all I could think about... then I had to go look it up because I was like "Is there an abrv for 'Lo'?" and it drove me nuts. So when I found out I just had to make a graphic. It's was too good to pass up.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. this sound interesting BUT like you... I don't always finish what I started LOL

    1. I'm hoping that I can get through this. I have most of my content planned to help me out.

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