Sunday Funday: Regional Dialect Vlog

So apparently this was HUGE in 2011. It's almost 2013. Where the hell have I been? This is supposedly called Regional Dialect meme... but it's a bunch of people posting videos of themselves. Internet memes are like Condescending Wonka. They are snarky graphics with words and stupid pictures on them to make you laugh. How is this a meme? Oi vey! Anyways, I saw this on SrslyLiz, and so I am stealing yet another thing of hers after doing some research on it.

Hands down best of these ever goes to this dude:

I only decided to watch it because of his accent but then I fell in love with him. I've decided I'm going to Scotland and I am going to find him and buy him coffee... and hope that he's like "Aye you ignorant American, will you marry me?" But read it in his accent because it's glorious. Seriously, this makes me want to watch Trainspotting. I couldn't stop laughing during this, it's the secret to winning my heart. Just make me laugh until I piss myself. Plus, look at all those books. It looks like he lives in a damn Library. Oi, it is love. But yes, see they say trolley! Told you!

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