10 Amazing Pins from Pinterest

Hands down, errbody knows Pinterest is the most amazing thing since sliced bread. It allows you to collect all of these awesome images from around the web and put them into one cohesive place to store until you need them. So yesterday while I was bored at work I was busy pinning away.

If you'd like to pin any of these, just click the "Pin It Yourself" in the caption and it will take you to my pinboard and you can repin to your hearts content!

  • You guys know how I love Polka dots. This is an old laundry basket cut and taped as a stencil for polka dots to paint on the wall! This would have been handy before I traced a hundred dots on the wall. I never finished "polka-dotting" because it took too long!

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  • "Inexpensive Toddler Proof Door Stopper - use a pool noodle." Ivory has made this a necessary evil. She'll go into her room and slam the door shut and not be able to get out so she'll start screaming. She did this while I was in the bathroom once. It was awful. Mid-stream and I had no clue why she was screaming bloody murder, just that she was!
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  • The cupcakes that sparked a god-awful cooking adventure. Brit tried to duplicate these with a muffin mix and Andes mint baking chip and none of the icing. Yuck!
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  • I am in need of a new headboard.
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  • Use a plate stand to create extra space on the bathroom counter
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  • Wrap a piece of cardboard in fabric and put at back of bookcase instead of painting or wallpaper. Could change out as often as you want.
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  • White Pizza Dip that looks ridiculously amazing.
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  • Designer Eyeliner... As in how designers have their models wear eyeliner in their shows.
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  • I am making Ivory one of these out of the Crayons that you get from dining out. Excellent way to reuse something!
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  • Easily the most amazing thing on the internet ever. EVER. Let the prank wars begin!:
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Gosh, thank you for sticking that last one out with me! You can follow me on Pinterest by clicking here.

Whats your favorite thing you've ever pinned?
What's your favorite board or person to follow?

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