I Want To Date a Non-Bum For a Change

Hi guys, don't forget that you can still enter my giveaway Dec 2nd. If you have no clue as to what I am talking about CLICK HERE. You don't want to miss this! I've gotten such great entries already. Honestly, your answers are FABULOUS and I am overwhelmed by the sheer size of it all!
Since good ole Google Analytics tells me that 84% of my readers are females mainly between the ages of 18-35 I'm going to go out on a limb and say that one of you have dated a bum. If you haven't I hate you, GTFO. Just kidding but really, I do hate you. I feel like a bum magnet.
I've been told that I make myself emotionally unavailable but physically available. Don't go making those tisk-tisk sounds I don't sleep with everyone. I tried that, it didn't work for me. Apparently I'm one of those girls who needs an emotional connection with someone. But I rarely find it. Hence the bums. Apparently the only people that find me attractive are the ladies (sorry girls not into it) or jobless, carless, still-lives-with-mommy-and-she-still-does-my-laundry-and-cuts-the-crust-off-my-sandwiches-which-she-also-makes type. That kind of bum. I understand what my friend was saying and it's totally true. I do make myself emotionally unavailable. I've been hurt a lot and I'm really good at being alone. Like, uni-bomber-isolation-I-had-imaginary-friends-as-a-kid-instead-of-real-friends good. Not that I'm the uni-bomber, chill. But I am good at being alone until I need something that requires two people, usually. (Ferris wheels, double dates, that kind of thing - get your mind out of the gutter!) So yes, that makes sense.

But what happens when I'm ready to be emotionally available again? I switch off the "frigid bitch" mode and try and flip on "charming girl next door" mode and nothing happens except bums. Lots and lots of bums.

Guys who are in relationships with other women - MOVE ALONG DUDE

Guys who just got out of bad relationships and are more insecure than I am - KEEP IT MOVING

Guys who don't want to be exclusive - UGGGGGHHHSADJFHAJSDHFJHS!

I'm not saying I am perfect or some kind of wonderful. I haven't been in a relationship basically ever but I'm willing to try, to work it out to be a better person and be deserving of someone else's love and affection. I wouldn't consider that a deal breaking flaw. I'm in a healthy state of mind, I have a job, a car, a place to live and a great mind and heart. I'm not a super model. My hair sucks most of the time and half the time that I do wear make up guys say I look better without it - or they think I'm not wearing make up when I am. I'm not a size zero or even in the single digits. I'm perfectly ok with that. Except for when a really cute dress doesn't come in my size, then I get pissy. But I'm comfortable being me. I don't understand why I can't meet a guy with my standards? Why is this so difficult?

  • Has a Job - NOT NEGOTIABLE. How can you not have a job in these times and expect me to want to date you? I support myself, so should you and if you can't then I'm sorry but I don't want to and can't be with someone who isn't in charge of their own financial stability. I don't want to pay for your movie EVERY single time we go out and your food and buy you things you want, ect. I've done it before and it just wasn't worth it. No sugar mama here.
  • Has a Car or can get around without car for example has a bike or takes public transportation. Not because they can't afford a car (although I've been there too) but because it's good for the enviorment. Or not practical because you live in NYC and public transport is easier.
  • Doesn't live with mom - GET OUT OF YOUR MOMS HOUSE. Seriously, does she still do your laundry too? Room mates are ok, everyone has those!

You know why these things are important to me? You have goals, ambition and drive. I like those things. Those are ATTRACTIVE to me. You value privacy and being the master of your own universe. I don't want to be making out with you on your bed and have your mom drop off your laundry in the middle of it. That's just not my idea of a good time and yes that happened to me. Twice. Two different guys too.

My friend used to joke that my prince charming was on his way he just got lost and you know guys he won't ask for directions.
So we drew him a map...

But seriously Prince Charming, just ask for directions at the gas station. They will tell you to follow the yellow dash road and you'll by-pass all that stupid shit you had to go through to get to me. Then we can live happily ever after forever and ever amen. *barf*

I'm not looking for the fairytale. I know that doesn't exist. It's not always hearts and flowers and butterflies. It's hard work. I'm willing to work hard for a long committed relationship. That's just where I am at right now. I am great alone but I want something more to fill my days than the useless drivel of work and crafting at home or blogging on the weekends. But don't worry Prince, I'm not leaving it up to you. I'm trying to find you too. It's just that no one drew me a map. All I've got are feelings and when I find you I'll know it. It's just taking me awhile.

What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?


  1. Sometimes being single has its good side. No jerk around telling you what to do. lol

    1. That would never happen to me, single or in a relationship. I'm entirely too dominate for that. LOL But it is a very good point!

      Thanks for stopping by!


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