Wednesday Want List: Owl Love You Forever

Wednesday Want List: Owl Love You Forever

1. Owl Short Heels by Melissa & Jason Wu | 2.  Owl Tassel Bowler Bag by ASOS |  3. Owl Bookends by Patch NYC
4.  Owl Pocket Watch Necklace by Umbrella Laboratory | 5. Owl Pillow by Patch NYC | 6. Owl Across Body by Yenzi

If you've know me personally, you know owls are my favorite animal. Or maybe have frequented my myspace back in 2009 when MySpace was still relevant. (Side Note: I love you JT but I'm not going back to MySpace no matter how sexy you make it. I have enough social media to keep up with as is dude.) Then maybe you saw my owl tattoo?No? Well, then you get another little glimpse of me now don't you?

  1. It figures that I would love those shoes. Jason Wu, hot pink and owls. Need I say more? They are 85 GBP, plastic and bubblegum scented. YUM!
  2. Handbags are my Achilles heel in fashion, so it makes sense that I want to order that bag next week right? It's $56 though so I'm sure that will be on my "wait til it goes on sale" list and I'll forget about it.
  3. I've been eying these bookends at Target for two weeks now. I have so many bookends though. I wonder if I'll break down and get those too? I need to stop buying things! I'm moving for Pete's sake, I can't take all this crap with me!
  4. That steampunk style necklace is made from a pocket watch that the designer put wings with. Totally cute and it's only $20!
  5. This pillow is also from Patch NYC for Target and yes, I've been eying it too. There's also another set of Owl throw pillows that Brittany and myself have had to save each other from. We suck at sticking to our lists when we go to Target.
  6. This cute owl bag is from an online store in the UK, oh those Brits and their brilliant fashion! This store had tons of cute owl themed accessories. This bag is only $55 and my favorite part about it has to either be those eyelashes or the bow. I mean c'mon, do owls even have eyelashes? So cute though.

What's your favorite animal and have you entered the giveaway yet?

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