Make Up Bag Monday: What's in Sara Ivy's Make Up Bag?

Hi guys, happy Monday to you all. Us 9-5er's are all grumpy because we have 4 more days until the weekend but that means that today is Make Up Monday! I'm starting a new series of Make Up Monday posts called "Make Up Bag Monday" where on the first of the month, I will share with you what's in my make up bag, or perhaps one of you would like to do a guest blog and share what's in your make up bag?

Since today is October 1st (yay halloween!) I'll be sharing what's in my make up bag:

Tons of stuff! This is what I carry around in my purse and it's surprisingly not that heavy. The bag itself is part of a 3 piece toiletry set from Chinese Laundry that I got at Marshall's for $10 when I was headed to California.

  1. There are the usual supplies: travel perfume (Daisy by Marc Jacobs), foundation (by Sephora), Primer (Smashbox), Eyeshadow brush (NYX), Eyelash curler, Mascara (Maybeline's Mega Plush), Eyebrow powder (Maybeline), Blush (Love & Beauty by Forever 21).
  2. Make Up Remover: While on the go I use MAC make-up remove q-tips. They are heavenly. They have one end shaped like your normal q-tip and then the other end has a pointy tip for getting into hard to reach places or for helping to erase small or fine errors. I typically need that for when I blink while applying liquid eyeliner. I love them but have an extremely hard time finding them now. They were given to me as a gift along with some other products and I have been hoarding them and using them only in extreme cases. At home I just quirt make up brush cleaner onto a q-tip. LOL.
  3. Eyeliner - I have two.
    • GOSH - This stuff is ridiculous and I love it. A dutch company makes it and it is not available in the U.S to my knowledge. My friend Lor who lives in Canada had some in one of her 6 make up bags (she's a make up artist at a department store in Canada) and said it was so waterproof that sometimes make up remove can't get it off. We were going to a concert so that was perfect. I loved it so much she let me keep hers and sends me new ones for Christmas/Birthdays. I highly recommend it but as it is liquid and extremely hard to get off (I once wore it for 3 days) I only recommend this for people who know how to apply liquid eyeliner and feel very comfortable in applying it. I don't even recommend using the applicator it comes with. Use an eyeliner brush and apply liberally. I usually put on some kohl liner and trace the kohl liner with this stuff.
    • MAC - My staple waterproof eyeliner. I wear this stuff almost every day. If I'm not wearing my contacts I'll sometimes use my Sephora brand but that's rare. I love this stuff and only switched to it when my eyeliner pot from MAC ran out and they discontinued the color I was using.
  4. Eyeshadow - I have three.
    • Brown from Victoria Secret. I love the glitter shimmer in it that is hypoallergenic. I'm not allergic but I typically hate glitter but this stuff is very nice, goes on well and when I take it off there is never any leftover glitter.
    • Beige from Sephora The beige I bought and I wear almost every single day.
  5. Lipgloss - I now have two, some you may recognize from my Lipstick's Article.
    • Smashbox Lipgloss in Protege that I love. It was given to me as a gift and is a discontinued color but I wear it daily. When it runs out I'm going to be bummed. There are a few shades similar available at Sephora but I haven't tried them yet.
    • Kat Von D's lipstain in Backstage Bambi. Hot pink lipstain that won't come off? Yes please! I wear this when I'm feeling bold. Or if it goes with my outfit.

What's in your Make Up Bag?

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