Wednesday Want List: Skater Dress

Wednesday Want List: Skater Dress

Now what I love about this week's Wednesday Want List is that all of these are under $50. Some of them are even under $20 meaning that you can populate your wardrobe with these dresses and have an outfit for any occasion without spending hundreds of dollars.  Wear them solo and you have an end of the summer dress to wear to BBQ's and out and about. Or throw some tights and cardigan on under them and you have fall outfits galore!

The other thing that I love about these dresses (and this is on a personal level) is that these are pretty much the only style of dress I buy right now because they fit me in a flattering way. I have large thighs and a flabby stomach. The waist on most of these dresses are empire, meaning they hide my stomach but hit mid thigh and cover that up but still show enough to be sexy. I almost always have to wear tights with them because they end up a little short in the back because I have a big butt, however, you can wear shorts like the one's Katie wore under her Little Black Dress if you are flying the dress solo but if you accompany it with tights then as long as the tights are dark you shouldn't have a problem baring all. Those style shorts are about $4-$7 at Ross or Marshall's and they typically look really cute.

What kind of items are on your want list?

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