Make-Up Monday: Maybelline's 14 Hour Lipstick

So I don't usually buy lipstick and not without a heavy recommendation from a trusted friend but I actually did. I spent about $7 and bought Maybelline's 14 Hour Lipstick because I want something as good as the Kat Von D lipstain I have that I raved about in last week's Make Up Monday but in a bright pink - Kat Von D must be allergic to pink because I couldn't find one in her brand.

Maybelline's 14 hour lipstick however? I will not be purchasing it again. I bought the lipstick in the shade "Eternal Rose" and after my inital blot, which didn't take off a whole lot, I thought I would be in good shape. I put it on at 10 am Saturday and set an alarm in my phone to check my lipstick at 11 AM, 4PM and then I figured I'd check it out before bed. I kissed my hand at 11 am and there was a giant kiss imprint on my hand! Normally I'd be like "aww cute" but not this time. A lipstick that is supposed to last 14 hours can't even go one?

So I waited a little bit longer and then at 4 pm ended up reapplying the lipstick because even though it held great to my bottom lip, it was almost completely gone from my top lip. I kept checking and even though it came off on my food it actually held up great after that. I decided to wear it again yesterday but did not have much luck with it staying on still. I love the vibrancy of the color at first but am not impressed with its staying power. I suppose I'll just protest Kat to come up with a pink I like.

[EDIT] I went back to Sephora and guess what I found? That's right, Kat Von D does have a bright pink. Two of them in fact. One called Jeffree and another called Manic Barbie. I bought the Barbie and can't wait to review it.

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