Wednesday Want List: BIRTHDAY WISHES

Birthday Wishlist

Hi guys. So even in light of yesterday's events I'm still publishing the posts I have scheduled. So if they seem upbeat it is because I wrote them when I was upbeat.

Anyways, back to it! I mentioned in last weeks Wednesday Want List, this week is a special edition for my birthday next Monday. Not even the usual template has been kept and there are quite a few items on it and they are of course under the guise that if money was no object what would I buy? Well, obviously money can't buy everything on my top five. The ultimate birthday wish I have this year would have been to see my gramps one last time but we know that can't happen.But if I were merely a consumer and cared nothing for love, happiness, health, the cure for cancer and time travel (you know, to see my gramps) then these would be on that list. *dreamy sigh* Someday these might be mine.

Top Row:

  • That Jasper Garvida Contour Dress is gorgeous and would be perfect to be my new little black dress. It's also a whooping$526. Way too much for me to spend on a dress.
  • I've always wanted Chanel sunglasses. I actually almost bought some because I fell in love with them. Then I saw they were $800 and quickly put them back. My friend wanted to pay for half of them and my eyes about bugged out. The sad part is, I would have bought them if they were $400 but I hate people spending money on me so I refused and said I couldn't afford it.
  • That fox necklace is so freaking adorable! I'm getting a fox tattoo for my birthday ;)
  • Those god damn Skull heels by Alexander McQueen. Probably the second most coveted thing on my wishlist.
Middle row:

  • The first being A CHANEL BAG. I've wanted one of these for so long but I just can't get myself to buy one because I am so incredibly hard on my handbags. I'd want to use it all the time because I spent so much on it but then I would get something on it or worse and I just can't bare the thought.
  • Marc Jacobs bag. Now he is more reasonable than the Chanel and I love the Petal to the Metal birds. So cute.
  • I've had my eye on the Val Clutch from House of Harlow since it came out in early 2011. It's near impossible to find one and I was going to get it for myself for my last birthday but things didn't quite go as I had planned in my life and well, maybe some other time.
Bottom Row: Basically this row is just filler. A few cute little things that I love.

  • The Skull Ring on the end is adorable. I love it, and well,  anything skulls obviously.
  • I purchased tons of make up when I traveled to Sephora for my free birthday gift.
  • I also picked up another bottle of Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume because that's what I wear in the summer time. I also am looking for a new perfume for fall/winter. Any suggestions? Nothing too musky. I like a light floral or a fruity scent.
  • And then of course the chevron bangle from House of Harlow is something I've had my eye on for a while. I love chevron print.
And so yeah, that's my birthday wishlist. My birthday is the 20th so feel free to come back and wish me a happy birthday then in the comments. I'd love it!

What's on YOUR birthday wishlist?

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