I love it when I get some mohawk wielding a patched and studded denim vest telling me my tattoo's suck my piercings are fake and even though I'm wearing a sex pistols shirt I probably don't even know who the sex pistols are. It happened to me the other day. Someone asked if there was a sale at hot topic and I just raised my brow and said excuse me? So they proceeded to inform me of how I'm not punk just for wearing a tshirt and black jeans. That doesn't make me punk? Oh praytell, what does? I wasn't aware that I had to be punk to like the things I like, wear whatever clothing I like or listen to certain bands because they fit into a genre that may or may not be considered "punk."
I just shake my head because, really who cares? Me I guess. So to truly piss those genuine punk rocker's off I thought I would do a cute little guide on how you too can look like a punk but not be one. Ya feel me?

- First of all, every punk rock wannabe needs a band tee or a Statement Tee. After all, being a faux-punk means that you need to rebel against the man, the government and against authority. This t-shirt was just too perfect to pass up. It's $21 at Asos though and true punks would never pay that much, they'd steal it. I think I'll make my own because, DIY is more punk rock!
- I made a pair of jeans like these shorts in high school and I wish I still had them. No punk rocker is complete without something black that also has animal print with studs. These shorts are ridiculously cute but ridiculously over priced. $164.00 USD from Runway Dreamz. Seriously? Black shorts = $20 AT MOST from a regular store, $5 at a thrift store or you can cut up a pair of jeans you already have. Razorblade to fray ends = $1 (break open an old shaver you're about to throw away). Animal Print fabric $5-$10 at most from Joann's (use coupon & you only need about a yard). Studs = $5+ at StudsandSpikes.com, depends on the amount & the variation of stud. So all together for materials it's $40 at most plus labor of maybe an hour. These puppies are most likely mass produced in a factory in china so I'd say with supplies bought in bulk and cheap labor it cost them $20 a pair to make. Charging $164 for a pair of shorts that cost less than $40 to make is ridiculous. This is why punks hate consumerism. It's disgusting.
- Now every punk rocker needs something to protect against the cold. Especially the dudes because typically they tear the sleeves off their shirts to show their awesome tattoo's that say I love mom. A Studded leather jacket is usually worn in the winter. In the summer punks usually tote a denim vest that has studs and patches all over it. This is the one thing punks don't scrimp on. Leather jackets are serious business. This one is from Topshop (so not punk) and cost $130. But that's about what you'll pay for a good quality leather jacket. This also explains the denim alternative. It's way cheaper, easier to alter and you'll be considered a lot tougher trying to stay warm.
- The next thing in a punks wardrobe are studded leather cuffs or studded bracelets. These can be found anywhere between $5-20. These particular fashion forward babies are $26 from a website in Australia. In high school I had both leather cuffs and bangles. I also had those colored plastic bracelets that supposedly if a guy broke one off you'd have to do R rated things with them. But I was pretty large and had a secret boyfriend, who's name was Johnny and preferred that because of Johnny Rotten. You know, of the sex pistols? Apparently, it wasn't as secret as we thought because one day when one broke 3 guys ran away and I mean straight booked it and when I asked why they said they didn't want to get the shit kicked out of them by Johnny. Whoops!
- When it comes to being punk, consumerism is not on the agenda as you can tell. Down with conforming to that social ideal that just because it has a little tear in it means it needs to be thrown out and replaced with the latest trend. Ripped leggings, tights or jeans will always be found in a punk's closet, I mean floor because who uses laundry baskets or closets? These are $17 at Chicnova and the fun thing about them is if they get torn more it looks like it was on purpose. My favorite is when someone goes "you've got a run" and I reply with "I know." HA!
- Then there are Boots. Every punk needs a pair. These little heeled booties fit more fashionably with everything else I own. I didn't notice it until the last second when I went to see the price but those have a skull pattern in them! HAHAHA I purposefully tried to stay away from skulls and naturally, they sneak their way in. I can't believe it. Skulls are pretty punk rock though. These adorable puppies are $42 at Angry, Young and Poor.
As you can see I'm a little bitter about this. It's something I dealt with in high school and for it to still be an issue is absurd. Punk is an attitude, a lifestyle and yes a fashion choice. I'm no Brody Dalle but I'm no Avril Lavigne either. I am me and I'll dress how I want to dress, look how I want to look and listen to whatever music appeals to me and if you have an issue with it you can SUCK IT.
What do you think, could you pull this look off?
Would you guys like me to a DIY on how to make the tee or the shorts?
Would you guys like me to a DIY on how to make the tee or the shorts?
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