Tuesday Tunes: A Playlist

Howdy folks, hope you enjoyed yesterday's Make Up Monday! Today I'm going to slow it down for you a little bit and create a playlist. I've showed you a bunch of different sides of me but you've yet to see the musical side. I like a little bit of everything from Pop to Rock to Country to Dance, even classical, musical and Barbershop. So I thought I'd share with you some (10) of my favorite songs and music videos.

WARNING: Adult themes and Lingo people...

Garbage... I've loved Shirley Manson for as long as I can remember. She's probably one of my top style icons.

TLC - I listened to this at 7 years old. I remember waiting around to press record to record their songs on a cassette tape. Now that I'm older and understand the lyrics I'm like "mom, you let me listen to this? BLESS YOU!"

Ok this one makes me sad. I discovered The Matches like 3 months before they broke up. I hate that. Stay together bands, do it for the fans!

Awww my boys. I couldn't make a playlist without the people who revolutionized music for me. These guys were the ones who saved me from myself, pulled me out of my funk and showed me the road to happiness. I stopped trying to kill myself and started living life. They inspired me to follow my heart and my dreams in a way that my family, therapy or the world in general couldn't. They've never made a song I didn't like. They may not be for everyone but they are for me and that's all that matters. They're also the sweetest group of dudes EVER.

Current musical crush. I'm absolutely in LOVE with Mumford & Sons. Something about the banjo man... it does things to a girl. Plus their lyrics are outstanding. Very folk and kinda bluegrass (I've never really been into bluegrass but maybe now?) but very good.

Oh yes, BSB is back! To be honest I was a fence rider. I was a Nick (BSB) girl and a Lance (Nysnc) girl and a Drew (98 Degrees) girl. I liked all the boy bands equally. Go figure I like the gay one, the one who hits girls and the one who cheats. I pick winners through and through.

I discovered this sassy Swed when I lived in California thanks to Betsy Johnson and well, it's just so fun to listen too!

Pat Benetar... this woman and I go way way back. I discovered I could sing because of this woman. I used to only listen to Christian music. One tape exactly. Steven Curtis Chapman and I can't tell you any more than that. But I got tired of it one day and so I opened up my mom's glovebox and her tape was in there. It was a woman so I wanted to play it and my mom put her hand on the tape deck and goes "It's not christian" and I just said ok. I put it in and I never looked back. Belting out Heartbreaker and Hell is For Children became my favorite past time. Music has never been the same. Also, she's married to her guitarist Spyder and if you get a chance go read her bio. So inspiring.

I love how hauntingly beautiful her voice is and the lyrics to this song are superb. There's an awesome video here of her with Mumford & Sons and Dharohar Project (an Indian act) from Folkfest that is absolutely stunning.

I kind of hated the world and Brody made it cool to be a female punk rocker. Very important to me in my high school days. I dressed just like her and tried to emulate her in high school to very isolating effects.

I didn't realize how hard it would be to pick and post just 10 songs. I wanted so badly to put more of my favorite music in this post. I'll have to do it again sometime. This playlist makes it look like mainly girls on my ipod, which that's true. I like to sing and girls tend to have more depth to their range but I sing better along males since I'm usually an alto and my voice goes pretty low.But this is basically what I listen to. I'm a genre girl so I'll go for a year listening to just indie music or just girl rock or just pop music, or just country or I'll go all over the place and pick stuff from punk, screamo, country, classical, everything. I don't listen to gospel or christian music - nothing of an extremely religious nature basically. I listen to bands or people who identify as Christian obviously but I will only listen to the music if you can't tell as to what they are singing about. It's just not for me, even though I grew up on it.

What are some of your favorite songs?


  1. Replies
    1. thanks! I love finding new music, which I'm sure most of this isn't knew to anyone unless they are of a younger generation than myself but maybe someone will reconnect with older tunes. I love when old songs take on new meanings!

  2. Oh Backstreet's Back.. that brings back some memories. I'm a huge country fan, so if I made a list of 10 it would probably be mostly country.

    1. I did have one country song in there but I swapped it out.


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