Irrational Thought Patterns & Dream Homes

Do you have a dream house? What's it like? The other day my co-worker and I whilst contemplating the impending doom that is one of us is leaving the country because our choice for President was not elected, we discovered we had something in common. We are both novice doomsday preparers! We started talking about living off the fat of the land and all that back to nature bullshark so many drone on and on about. But that's totally my cup of tea.

Credit: Canty Shanty

I want to build an affordable ecologically friendly but naturally sustainable fortress in the woods on a huge plot of land. One fully prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse or the decline of civilization as we know it. You know, whichever one happens first.  I want to be able to dance in the woods naked around a bon fire should I so choose. Like that's how footloose and funky free I want to be on my plot of land with my zombie resistant housing. I'm a little nut-so, I know but I like it. So whatever. I want to have to have my own little plot of land in the woods and just chill out.

I found one house from thanks to Elycia that I absolutely love.

 I could totally plop this on a plot of land and live here. It's just under $200,000 to purchase and I'd only have to find a contractor to set up the foundation, plumbing and electric. So if their fee is 10% I just spent $220 grand on a really awesome home in the woods. Just gotta find a 2-5 acre spread near water and I'll probably have a really cool house for under a half million dollars. Not too shabby right?

But in all seriousness, an ideal house for me has to have these four main components:

  1. It has to be by water. I'm not going to spend my entire life paying for something that isn't near water. I like the sound of running water. The beach calms me and I'd need a water source at the end of the world.
  2. It must be made of sustainable material. I need it to last. I also need it to be economically friendly since I'm going to be shelling out a lotta moula for the place to begin with but on top of that utilities! 
  3. Cute because I'm not going to live in some ugly pothole that I'm paying half a million or more for. No freaking way man.
  4. Multi-level. I've always wanted a big house with multi-levels. Just like being by water isn't negotiable, neither is this.

So whenever I get really bored I like to draw floor plans for houses I'll never build or own it's my thing. And with this whole "dooms day preparer" conversation from a few hours previous I found myself thinking possibly irrationally. I'm not a snazzy architect. My dad was a carpenter, a really good one and every now and then he'd be drawing a housing floor plan so he taught me a bit. But I was young, I just wanted to spend time with him. I'm no pro, but I know the in's-and-out's. I wanted to make sure I was drawing the opening for a door or something right. I tried looking up some floor plans to compare. I searched for "affordable ecological and sustainable housing floor plan" in Google. I found a pretty neat website that had a lot of floor plans and since this is my "perfect dwelling" we are talking about here I skip straight to the 2-story 3+ bedroom floor plans.
Stillwater Dwellings
Can I add that my favorite movie is Almost Famous,
and the band in that movie is called Stillwater?
Can this house come with Jason Lee singing Feverdog?
No? Alright fine.
As I'm going through these I realize a pattern in my thought process. I'm looking at these and going "Ok, good bedroom placement. I like the closet. Oooo I like the idea of a mudroom, I can make my soap in there!" and various other juicy tidbits right. Then I come across one and in my head I'm going 'No, I'd never live in this house because the master bedroom is in the back, the kids rooms are too far away and I'd never be able to get to them in time if some crazed lunatic tried to come in the front door and kill them' and I wonder, is this thought pattern rational or irrational?

Like, who else thinks shit like that? I have always been protective of people that I love and care about. I was abused for much of my life and I have developed a fighter mentality. I had to, to survive and I guess that has never gone away but instead of picking fights with other people I spend my energy protecting people who can't protect themselves. You know, I do for others what no one did for me. This is the psychologist in me talking of course. But I study serial killers and watch horror movies, I study martial arts and know my basic self-defense. I've taken a gun course, I'm pretty handy with a knife. I've looked into learning fencing so I can fight with a sword. You know, weird shit many might deem useless but I'm into it.

Also, if I can't have a cabin in the woods by water I want this shiznit:

Zombie-Proof House

So this is basically a glimpse inside my head. These hair brained schemes are what go through my head when I'm left to my own devices. This is why I work and blog and make soap. Because my brain is kind of scary so I have to keep it busy.

What does your dream home look like?
Could you live in something like these?


  1. I love your floorplan. It looks so big and roomy.
    I don't really have a dream house planned out, but I can picture some dreams rooms I would like in my house. Especially thanks to Pinterest, of course.

    1. Everyone loves pinterest for that! Haha! I just want a huge house by some water I can get lost in.

  2. I bet Rick and company (The Walking Dead) would like to have one of this house (Zombie Proof House)


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