Wednesday Want List: Back to School

Wednesday Want List: Back to School

1.Sugar Skull T-Shirt by Oaklandish | 2. Burberry Double Breasted Wool Coat | 3. American Rag Skinny Jeans in Black
 4.  Converse, in Teal  | 5. Brown Necklace by Wallish | 6.  Jansport  Backpack in Hot Pink

I'm sure everyone has started their classes by now and seen what everyone is wearing? My schools always started right after my birthday and one year I actually had to go to school on my birthday. I was so mad. But some of you lucky ducks just started this week after Labor Day. When I was in high school I was a bit of a rocker. I basically only wore band t-shirts, jeans, converse and hoodies. So I did a little back to school shopping so you can see exactly what would have been on my want list for school.


  1. I absolutely love #2. It just screams 'fall' and 'back to school'. Some days I wish I was going back to school. I miss the new, exciting feeling. I don't miss the work though.

  2. I miss the excuse for new clothes... mainly the shoes.


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