Wednesday Want List: Suitcases

So this week's Wednesday Want List is in response to my need for a suitcase. Obviously this isn't timely, it would have been better placed at Spring Break or the beginning of Summer when everyone goes on their travels but it fit into my life and isn't my blog about, well, me? Yup.

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Last week was the first time that I personally had to find a suitcase. Before I had always just used a duffel and then when I was younger I just packed in with my mom. Now that they charge for checked baggage on most airlines I was determined to make everything fit into a carry-on. I did a packing test run the weekend before I was leaving and tried to fit everything into a backpack. Yeah, that did not go to well.

If I had the option I'm not sure which one of the above I would go with.

  1. If you haven't picked up on my love of my love for polka dots I am not sure how you can even function on a computer because I've made it pretty obvious over the weeks. My bathing suit top is polka dots. My mom laughed.
  2. I love old suitcases. I have one of those but it has a broken latch and I really didn't want my clothes strung all over the airport or for the case to get dinged up. It's basically just for looks and I got it for $5 at the Goodwill.
  3. This suitcase is completely made from Recycled products. I mean, who doesn't love being frivolous and eco-friendly at the same time. That's like not being frivolous because it cancels it out. Karma, people, karma.
  4. I also love LOVE LOVE trunks. As in, I'm totally jealous Harry Potter got to bring a trunk to Hogwarts. That's how much I love trunks.
  5. I really just loved the print of this one.
  6. Skulls - I mean c'mon. That's almost as much of a no-brainer as the polka dots. It's no wonder I'm not more outwardly punk rock looking than I am. My face is full of holes from piercings of the past and well, kind of present? My tattoos might be kind of punk rock? No, I think we can all agree I'm just trendy. *shrugs*

Now I didn't have a whole lot of time to find something I truly liked so I went to Walmart and got the following:

It was MORE than enough. I'm actually kind of mad at myself. I only spent $50 on it and I was able to fit a TON of things in it. I didn't even wear half of what I packed, which means I could have saved myself some money but eh, now I have a new suitcase. The laundry bag and shoe bag are quite handy and while I already had a 3 piece toiletry set, I did use the clear plastic one. It's pretty sturdy and SNAPS in so I don't lose it. I put all of my belts in the front part and in the netting I put my first aid kit, fishnets and bathing suit. Pretty snazzy yeah?

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