Last week was the first time that I personally had to find a suitcase. Before I had always just used a duffel and then when I was younger I just packed in with my mom. Now that they charge for checked baggage on most airlines I was determined to make everything fit into a carry-on. I did a packing test run the weekend before I was leaving and tried to fit everything into a backpack. Yeah, that did not go to well.
If I had the option I'm not sure which one of the above I would go with.
- If you haven't picked up on my love of my love for polka dots I am not sure how you can even function on a computer because I've made it pretty obvious over the weeks. My bathing suit top is polka dots. My mom laughed.
- I love old suitcases. I have one of those but it has a broken latch and I really didn't want my clothes strung all over the airport or for the case to get dinged up. It's basically just for looks and I got it for $5 at the Goodwill.
- This suitcase is completely made from Recycled products. I mean, who doesn't love being frivolous and eco-friendly at the same time. That's like not being frivolous because it cancels it out. Karma, people, karma.
- I also love LOVE LOVE trunks. As in, I'm totally jealous Harry Potter got to bring a trunk to Hogwarts. That's how much I love trunks.
- I really just loved the print of this one.
- Skulls - I mean c'mon. That's almost as much of a no-brainer as the polka dots. It's no wonder I'm not more outwardly punk rock looking than I am. My face is full of holes from piercings of the past and well, kind of present? My tattoos might be kind of punk rock? No, I think we can all agree I'm just trendy. *shrugs*
Now I didn't have a whole lot of time to find something I truly liked so I went to Walmart and got the following:
It was MORE than enough. I'm actually kind of mad at myself. I only spent $50 on it and I was able to fit a TON of things in it. I didn't even wear half of what I packed, which means I could have saved myself some money but eh, now I have a new suitcase. The laundry bag and shoe bag are quite handy and while I already had a 3 piece toiletry set, I did use the clear plastic one. It's pretty sturdy and SNAPS in so I don't lose it. I put all of my belts in the front part and in the netting I put my first aid kit, fishnets and bathing suit. Pretty snazzy yeah?
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