Clicking the picture below will take you to an article on Buzzfeed, adeptly titled The Worst Craft Idea Ever as it shows a video of LC cutting up books and gluing them onto a box for decorative storage.
Screen Cap from the Article on Buzzfeed |
YOU DON'T CUT UP BOOKS DUDE. That's like murdering kittens and puppies. The only exception would be if the bindings on your beloved books were already falling off and then I guess instead of having them rebound this would be a nice alternative? In the video (the the audio is as poor as Buzzfeed warns) she says you can save the pages for another craft. *insert glare*
I don't like Lauren Conrad and I refer to her as LC because I know she hates it (not like she will read this). I didn't like her on Laguna Beach or The Hills and did not feel she deserved a TV show. Her life is utterly boring. The shows were filled with scripted drama, hooks ups and break ups and nothing even remotely close to reality - why anyone watched them I have no idea. It is the original Jersey Shore but far less interesting. For the record I have watched JS but only to feel better that my life is not theirs & yes, I am jealous of their income too. LC isn't that fashionable. I can list any number of bloggers or every day people who have more fashion sense than she does. She took like what, two classes at FIDM and has a clothing line? Pul-ease. There are designers who go/went to that school, work as hard or harder than she did and they didn't get a clothing line but are probably far more talented.
She's written 2 young adult fiction books that were terrible (yes I read them, working in a bookstore means reading pretty much everything so when someone goes "how's this" you can give an honest opinion) and a "style guide" that she openly admits in the beginning of the book that all she is doing is recycling things her stylists have told her.
Well, at least she was honest right? But that was my last straw with her. I couldn't take it after that. How dare you collect the tid bits of other people's hard work, slap your name on it and make money off of it and then have the audacity to admit that you know NOTHING about style but that you are going to "write" a book on it anyway. Give me a fucking break. It kills me that a girl who came from money makes more money than other hard working individuals by taking other people's tips and tricks and ideas and sells them under her name. Unfortunately the view I have on her is "she came from money and everything was just handed to her" even if that may not be true.
Alright, so this brings me to my next topic in my mixed bag after my hate-rant on LC. There was a comment made on a post (vague on purpose) and that post was about taking something and "restoring" it but the comment was basically saying 'How dare you restore that. You should have left it alone. You destroyed that piece and I hate that' at the end the commenter realized that maybe they should not be bashing the beloved blogger (probably to avoid hatemail) and softened the ending of their comment to 'Could you do an article on when to leave things alone and when to go jack the ripper on things?' I kind of hope the blogger never does one because then they would be held to that article with strict scrutiny but it would be interesting to see where they draw the line.
So where is that line? How far is too far? Is too far going out and purchasing how many BRAND NEW hardcover books to purposefully cut them up and glue them onto a box for storage? Or is too far taking some old shoes and make them into a plant holder?
I cannot seem to get off the fence about this and what makes this whole thing more disturbing is that just a week or two ago I found this video on youtube:
and was like "holy crap, I'm doing that." In theory you could use LC's book pages (which were probably thrown away instead of used) and make the above decoupage table and would all be well?
It's ok to destroy books as long as you use every piece for a project.
Does that help define where the line should be drawn? Because mine is so blurry I may need a stronger Rx for my glasses. Or how about this:
It's ok to do it when Mr. Kate does it but not when LC does it.
Because apparently I was all for killing that anatomy book in my own way and now I'm like "oh wait, can I bash LC for this and turn around and praise someone else for doing it too?" Is that what it boils down to? It's ok when some people do it but not others? Or does it have to be the way you do it? I'm so confused. Damn you Buzzfeed!
Putting my claws away for a minute I will have to deal with another issue I have - telling people what they can and cannot do. Ugh, I'm so complex right? I don't like to be told what to do. I mean obviously I do what I am told at my job as long as it doesn't involve breaking the law, crossing some serious moral code of mine, health code violation or ethical lines.But when someone I don't know or my friends try to put their foot down and tell me what to do I get extremely rebellious and cross my arms, furrow my eyebrows and stomp my foot so I look like a five year old and say NO. I get this hulk like rage inside me and refuse to do whatever it is they want me to. I can't explain it. It's like someone throws a switch and BOOM. No more compliant Sara. So then there is that I am dealing with when it comes to this topic. Do I, does anyone have the right to hate on LC for her crafty ways? Obviously the answer is no. No one has the right to hate on anyone for anything except with very specific exceptions (like murdering a loved one or something). But we do it anyways don't we? Because if someone tells us not to do something we automatically want to do it just to piss that person off. Well, at least I do.
I'd like to foster a healthy discussion on this topic in the comments. Do you feel like there should be a line drawn on what is acceptable and what isn't acceptable for a DIY project? Should everything be fair game? Do you even care? Did you laugh like I did at Lemony Snickets response to the ordeal?
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