Make-Up Monday: Maybelline’s Mega Plush Volum' Mascara

This Monday I'm moving back to my eyeballs because I love them so and because I've been dying to try this mascara since I first saw the commercials and every time I remembered to pick it up it was SOLD OUT. Well, one time they had it in brown but who wears brown mascara anyways?

So I have my Lash Plumper Mascara By Sephora that I love and raved about a few weeks ago. But I also said I sometimes switch to Maybelline's Colossal Volum' Mascara (the yellow one) for shits and giggles. It is true, I'm not 100% sold on everything in the Sephora brand. I have a few things of theirs I don't like (eye primer in the pot or the kohl pencil liners) but for the most part I'm heavily stocked in their brand. Plus, Maybelline's  mascara's are waterproof and my Sephora mascara isn't. If you wear contacts you need waterproof make up. Otherwise it will get in your eye, under your contacts and cause a bunch of problems such as conjunctivitis, red watery eyes and if you wear your contacts while your eyes are irritated you risk damaging your eyes and losing your eyesight (extremely serious & negligent cases). I used to work for an optometrist, can't you tell? Enough lectures on proper eye care and back to the make up. Now I've seen the commercial for this product and I wanted to try it. So I did and look at the result:

On first use I was impressed. It feels feathery light on my lashes and the wand itself isn't very heavy. The mascara was not clumped onto the brush itself nor the tip, which for most mascaras I have to scrape off excess product back into the barrel.  It then clumps around the edges and I have to use a q-tip to clean it all out. Not that I will gripe about it but that was a hidden little gem I added to my "Pros" column. There was an adjustment period however, because I tend to be a little harsh with my application. The wand is flexible and bends, so I had to be a little bit more harsh with my application and I was actually terrified I'd poke my eye out or end up stabbing myself in the brow.

Now, others have complained about oil. I have terrible skin, I really should take better care of it but that complex and I like things simple. Whatever. But my skin is extremely oily and some of my friends who have bought this have said that when they wore it, it smudged after a few hours. I put it on at about 9:30-10 AM and after an hour there was no smudging evident. I don't do much outdoors as a receptionist and the office stays at a lovely 73 degrees, so most days I'm wearing a jacket. However, I wore it all day, went shopping and it did not smudge until I used make up remover to take it off.

Before and After:

Minus the super creepy pictures and my horribly uneven skin tone I think the mascara looks lovely and I can't wait to play around a little more with it. This was just my "Daily Grind Look" a.k.a what I wear to work. I have not tried it out with any extreme make up use or under any extreme conditions (such as indoor concert or outdoor festivals). If anything changes I will edit my review to reflect that.

Have you tried any make up lately that you love? Anything that you've hated?

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