Wednesday Want List: Handbag

Wednesday Want List: Handbags

So when I went shopping last week I actually told Brittany not to let me buy more than one hand bag and one wallet. I very quickly added that I would not be putting a cap on shoes. This was because I thought I needed shoes but knew I probably wouldn't find any I liked for a good price but thought I would be flooded with an over abundance of handbags to choose from. Boy, I was dead wrong. Either my tastes have changed or handbags just have a really shitty selection this year.

Well, the whole "my tastes may have changed" bit is probably the most true statement. I find myself considering saving up for the Petal to the Metal - Natasha Marc By Marc Jacobs bag seen in the top left corner but it's $438! It's just so cute.

Then in the top right is the classic Chanel bag. I would definitely buy it if I had the money and it would be my most prized possession and I'd basically sleep with it. Chanel never goes out of style and it can be worn anywhere. It's classic beauty, utility and fashion all in the same piece. Definitely worth the money because I see the value behind it both in price, prestige and fashion but unfortunately the price makes it out of my league. Someone get me a sugar daddy quick!

Same with the Alexander McQueen clutch on the bottom left. I'm pretty sure he's the only eloquent designer who likes skulls as much as I do and puts them in a classy light versus the popular (and easy-way-out) Gothic route. Although it is too tiny to be anything besides an occasional bag I don't go out to enough places to justify the cost. I wouldn't use it enough in a enough places that anyone would be like "ZOMG" and isn't that the point of those kind of bags?

Then there is my weak spot bottom middle; Juicy Couture. The only thing velour I like are their bags and while I find the designs sometimes boring I still love them and secretly covet them. I spot them in Tx Maxx and Ross all the time and go "Sara, you really need to knuckle down and just get it. Knock it off your fashion bucket list" and if I cannot find anything better I may just do that this weekend. I love Juicy for their bags, jewelry and perfume but not so much for their clothing.

There is also Senor Steve Madden down on the bottom right who always seems to catch my eye at the designer knock off stores as well. His ballpark bag in black is very eye catching for me. I need a bigger bag because I tend to cart around a lot of stuff.

The last but certainly not least in the center of my want list is a bag that I will most likely end up buying. It is called the Skull & Stud Fringe Clutch from Filthy Magic and only costs $63. That is pretty reasonable and I can see myself using it often. Plus it has skulls on it and studs. Even though I dress nothing like it and until I told you or you looked at half the things in my ipod you probably wouldn't know I'm kind of a punk rocker at heart. So combining studs and skulls together in a bag that can pass of as classy is definitely a thumbs up in my book. I may or may not have found my next handbag purchase thanks to polyvore. Who knew right?

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