So I drank butter beer (which is actually just cream soda, sorry kids) and bought a wand and rode a hippogriff and took a ride on a broomstick through hogwarts. IT WAS FABULOUS. I'm probably just a 5 year old stuck in a 24 year old body but hey, who cares right?
So Hogsmeade Village is all the way in the freaking back of Islands of Adventure so we decided we would start at the back and work our way around. First thing we did was grab some butter beer. Then we ended up going on the Dragon Challenge ride after because it was literally right in front of us. You can either ride the fireball or the horn tail. I said we should do the horn tail. So we did that and then we went over to the Hogwarts castle and let me tell you I could ride that ride all day long.
The Journey to Hogwarts is a simulation ride where you are riding through Hogwarts on a broom to get to the Quidditch Pitch. A dragon chases you and as I was standing in line I go "oh fuck, what if Aragog shows up? I'm going to be like Ron and shitting my pants." Sure enough I called it, King Arachnid and his little spider babies were there. They spray water on you and you're supposed to imagine that it's venom. Same thing with the dragon, they blow steam at you and it's supposed to be like the dragon is breathing on you and then it spews fire. Don't worry, you're far enough away by that point so you don't get scorched. Then you finally make it to the Quidditch Pitch and Malfoy shows up (for all you Slytherin fans) to do his usual Potter bashing but unfortunately there is no "my father will here about this" lines, which was disappointing. But it was so much fun. I have this thing about flying and you legit feel like you are flying. The seat has this bar in front of you that you can hold and though it doesn't look like a broom stick (also disappointing) when you grip it, it totally feels like one.
After that we went and rode the hippogriff ride and like all coasters it was over far too soon. Once we got off that ride we decided it would be time to explore the other parts of the parks and we could come back later if we wanted to. I did be sure to buy a wand but I didn't get it at Olivanders. The line was too long and it was just a demo so I purchased Hermione's wand at Dervish and Banges. It looks exactly like the one Emma Watson is holding here:
Emma Watson holding Hermione's wand that is $34 at Dervish and Banges.
So after I bought my wand we decided to head over to Jurassic Park because lets face it, dino's are cool as shit. We went on the dino water raft ride. Got soaked and it felt amazing at that point because we were sweating balls. That was the only ride we went on because otherwise it was mostly kiddo stuff. For example there was one ride where you had to have a child under 36" in height to ride with you. That's basically what the Dr Seuss area was like too :(
Islands of Adventure Pictures:
The Universal Studios part wasn't as fun. It only had 4 rides and the guy at the gate was like "if you only do one you miss out on half of the rides." Silly sales ploy but it worked for me because I bought access to both. I loved the Simpsons ride, and Men In Black because I got the high score for my little group (they sit you 6 to a car and you shoot aliens) with a whopping 172,000 points. Jon only got 32K haha, LOSER. The Revenge of the Mummy ride was alright but nothing special. Reminds me of the Indiana Jones ride at Disney. The Hollywood Rock It roller coaster I didn't even go on because Jon was too chicken and Miranda Cosgrove was playing a concert right in front of it so they closed it early so you didn't hear the ride/screaming in the background. Jon likes to brag that he saw her play the iCarly theme song live but I was unimpressed. Don't get me wrong, she does have a voice but it's just not my cup of tea even though I love pop music.
We left after that and as we were coming home I got into an almost-accident that probably would have killed us if I wasn't "such an amazing driver." So I'm merging onto this road to take Jon home, and as I went into the corner I realized I was going a little too fast so I went to slow down. I barely applied pressure to the brake before my car spun out at 60 mph, did a 360 and slide across two lanes of traffic, narrowly missing a huge limo, guard rail and came to a sliding stop in the mud about a foot from the cement wall of an over pass. My car is absolutely unscathed as of this moment, I made an appointment today to take it in Wed to have everything checked out and reward my baby for being such an excellent car. Seriously, this thing has narrowly escaped two accidents now and I'd like to think that I'm a really awesome driver and that's why I haven't been in an accident but I'm pretty sure I'm just a lucky gal. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Grateful for my life and being able to do stuff like this because I want to, because a month ago I was barely scraping by without a penny to my name. Time to save up a little nest egg to move with and be onto the next adventure.
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