So I am sick and miserable. I am not a very good sick person and I hate taking medicine. When my allergies act up I just tough it out and when I get a headache you know I am on the ropes if I take something for it. Also, I hate green tea and honey (unless it is in something) so if you see me consuming that you know my throat is killing me. Which, guess what, it is.
I'm a receptionist at a hearing aid company. My throat and voice must be tip-top shape because I essentially have to yell at people who can't hear, answer phones and deal with people all day. If I am sniffling, coughing and spreading germs to elderly people that's not good.
So I've been gargling salt water all day, drinking green tea with honey and sanitizing everything I touch every hour with these wipes that kill everything from herpes to HIV. They recommend wearing rubber gloves before touching them. I took a few and put them in a plastic baggie for use with public toilets. I'm not a big germaphobe but I definitely like to sit my butt on a clean toilet. You know what I am saying?
On top of everything else I have encountered what everyone fears; bankruptcy. I was supposed to get paid from both of my jobs over the weekend and neither of them has done so. My new company using a payroll company and that payroll company apparently entered my account number in wrong for my direct deposit. So I didn't get paid and now they have to mail me a check but I won't get that until Thursday. So upset.
My previous employer isn't answering her phone or returning my call (obviously she is still a little upset with me). But I know everything account number wise is sound there because I've been getting checks from her deposited without a problem for months. I called the bank and they don't even have an attempt for a deposit but I have my pay stubs from the company that she uses to process the direct deposit so I know it has come out on her end.
So I'm furious because rent is due, plus other bills and I needed that money to do other things as well. I was planning on going shopping tomorrow to do some much needed wardrobe repair and that can't be done obviously. My life is just kind of spiraling downward at this point. Besides that not much else to post on.
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