So a big craze right now are shades of mint. When I think of mint I'm thinking of those chocolate Andies mints that have chocolate and a slight greenish sliver of mint chocolate (see Cupcake above - YUM). I don't know how they do it and I don't really care so long as it tastes good. Oh, and that no animals were harmed in the making of said chocolate minty goodness. So yes, this week's Wednesday Want list will all be minty colored.
All of the items on this weeks Wednesday Want List come from A friend of mine made a post about some shoes on there and after checking it out I have fallen in love. Simply because they actually have items besides shoes that fit me. Typically if I find a website that I fancy, their large measurements are every one else's medium and sometimes small. Of course they don't offer an extra large size and you can completely forget about plus sizes. So curvy girls like myself with 45" hips are left in the cold. This blog isn't a rant on the industry and its horrible crimes against women in the sizing department, if you want some of that you can google it.
If you wanted to purchase the dress, shoes and handbag it would only cost $100.10 +S&H. That's a really good deal. The dress is called the 'Spring Symphony Dress' which I have pictured in Teal. It also comes in a very pretty Royal Blue, Ivory, Fuchsia, Lime and Pink (I would purchase it in ever shade except the Lime. A little too bright for me). The color block heels also come in Black, Fuchisa, and Purple as well as Jade (pictured). The handbag is only available as pictured.
Now I wasn't going for only spending $100, it just happened to turn out that way. If you don't like the idea of only getting 3 things for $100 here are a few items that ALMOST made the cut (but they weren't mint either)!
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