Ivory Wonder |
So now would probably be a good time to introduce you to my room mate Brittany's baby, Ivory, since I will most likely post about her on here. If you follow me on twitter/instagram (@saarrraaaaivy) or facebook then you already know how much I post about her. My blog should be no exception right?
(LEFT: First photo of Brit & Ivory in our Apartment. RIGHT: Ivory's First Easter)
I love this little brat to pieces though. Sometimes she is the worlds cutest baby and then she is the biggest pain until she smiles or laughs at me and then I melt. I kind of get a crash course at parenting and raising a child and I am so thankful that my room mate, who has also been my best friend since high school, has let me be apart of her life. I've watched as she learned to crawl, laugh, scream, say her first word (which was BYE! haha she waves now too and says bu-bye) and I will be there when she takes her first steps on her own (most likely). I am helping teach her to be nice and the meaning of 'no" which she hates. She crys when I tell her no now. So cute. And she's so tall. She's holding her self up at this point and trying to just stand on her own and boy oh boy is she tall! We discovered last night that if she stands up under the table her head touches and if she stands up too quickly she can actually bump her head! So ridiculous.
Mom walked away so now I must cry! |
I am also teaching her "That's not yours, don't touch." It is a long phrase but she will get it eventually that not everything is a toy. She waves and sometimes you can get her to clap or I've recently been teaching her to "high five" and "down low" it's so cute. She really likes shoes and feet. It's kind of gross. I'm hoping the reason she loves our feet is because for a while it was all she could reach and shoes, well, I'm just going to say this; if she starts designing Louboutin's I just want her to know it was Auntie Sara who always said she'd be a shoe designer. :) You even have it in writing!
Sometimes she gets to be a little much for me. Everyone says that is because she isn't mine and that when and if I have children it will be different. I really hope so because there are moments where I am like "omg who couldn't love this child?" and then I have moments where I am like "you are the spawn of Satan and I am never having children." Those moments pass quickly. I mean, who could resist this baby with her dorky smile, her single dimple, those cute little baby teeth and the fact that she is part zombie? And by that I mean she would rather gnaw on my leg, my arm, my shoulder than her binky. It's hilarious. I always ask her if she is auditioning for The Walking Dead. She just babbles at me at that point.
Introducing Ivory Buckethead |
But that's my room mate's little one. Princess Ivory as I most often call her or Boo-Boo, which I am sure at some point will morph into boo-boo-honey-child in some ghetto voice and my room mate will hate me. But for right now I am content with Princess because she truly is one.
Auntie Sara holding a Sleepy Princess Ivory |
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